#1.Microsoft co-founder, Bill Gates became the youngest billionaire ever at the age of 31 in the year 1987. He became the richest person in the world since 1995, he lost his top spot few times but managed to regain it quickly. #4 It has been estimated that Microsoft’s rapid growth made two billionaires besides Bill Gates and about 12,000 Millionaires. Microsoft Former CEO, Steve Ballmer is worth $22.7 Billion, and he bought basketball team for a whopping amount of $2 Billion in 2014. #16 Do you know, Bill Gates has an IQ of approximately 160. On Stanford Binet, Genus is determined by an IQ exceeding 140. Guess what? According to the SAT scores, Bill Gates has an IQ of as high as 170. #17 Do you know Microsoft’s motion-sensing X-box controller- Kinect actually scans users’ skeletons to identify players? #18 Microsoft co-founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen actually designed Microsoft’s first ever logo in under a day. The funky “o” that you see in the image below was called the “blibbet”


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